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Learning Elisp 13 - Text Properties

Today's a short 10 minute video as we continue to work on the emoji project.

In the last episode we replaced text in the form :emoji-name: with the emoji. This time, we're doing it a little differently - we're going to overlay the text with the emoji. This way we see the emoji but the underlying text is still present. This is kind of like when programming in a language that supports lambda, in many editors you can type lambda but it appears as the symbol: λ (note that the previous symbol is not an emoji but was entered using the RFC1345 input method).

The important difference with this method is that when you save and later load the file, the original characters are still there the symbols are only visual sugar.

We accomplish this overlaying with text properties. Specifically the display property. Here's a sample call:

  (put-text-property beginning end 'display "WHAT TO DISPLAY")

The first two parameters - beginning and end form the region where you're setting the property. Recall that the upper left of a buffer is location 1 and it increments as you move into the document. So, for example, if your buffer had:

Here are a couple of lines of
text in an emacs buffer

and we used this call:

  (put-text-property 6 9 'display "OVERLAY")

your buffer would look like this:

Here OVERLAY a couple of lines of
text in an emacs buffer

If you add text before OVERLAY it shifts over just as the original text would. If you save the buffer though, the original text (are) is what's saved.

It's pretty cool.

The video shows how we can use this to overlay our emojis.

Next time, we'll turn it into a mode.


The code for the series is still up here:

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