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Learning Elisp 8

Today's video gets us closer to our function header, um, function.

It'll take one more video to get there but today's video goes over the programmatic elisp that we'll need.

Before we get to that, a couple of elisp regex niceties. To be honest, I didn't know that these existed when I made the last video so thanks for those of you who made me aware.

First is the built in rx macro. It lets you use a more verbose elisp type syntax for regular experssions.

For example, instead of "Mr|Ms [A-Z][a-z]+ [A-Z][a-z]+" for a simple Mr John Smith or Ms Sarah Stone or similar names, you could write:

  (rx  (seq "Mr|Ms " (any "A-Z") (one-or-more (any "a-z"))
         " "
         (any "A-Z")
         (one-or-more (any "a-z"))))

which would evaluate to the more terse regular expression string.

On the flip side there's the package xr ([[ ][link]]) which does the reverse. You give it the standard regex string and it will produce the more verbose elisp type syntax.

This verbose elisp regex notation reminds me of a couple of clojure tools I use. One is hiccup. That lets you use clojure structures for html. For example:

  (hiccup/html [:span {:class "foo"} "bar"])

would yield "<span class=\"foo\">bar</span>"

There's a similar tool, honeysql that clojurists can use for sql.

I'm a big fan of hiccup and related tools but I probably won't be using rx and xr moving forward.

Why not?

Context switching.

I'm just or actually more likely to use regular expressions in languages other than elisp. In fact, I'll most regularly use them on the command line with grep type tools. I'll also use them in other programming languages. Since the elisp syntax only exists in elisp, there's less of a benefit to me. I do suppose that if I was doing a deep dive into writing elisp for a while, it would be more attractive.

The clojure tools show this. When I do webdev, I'm living in one ecosystem for all the front end work so it makes sense to use a tool like hiccup. Besides, html is multiline so looks particularly ugly when embedded in code (jsx notwithstanding). Same for sql.

Still rx and xr are well worth knowing and playing with.

Now for the star attractions - dealing with our regular expressions in elisp.

The first call is string-match which does two things.

First, it returns the index where the match starts (or nil if it isn't present) and it also sets up some internal data structure so that you can extract the match groups.

There's also an additional optional third parameter, INHIBIT-MODIFY which if it's nil or not present the "match data is changed" and we can use the match-string function to extract our groups. I think I garbled that part in the video but this is right from the documentation.

For example, in:

  (setq regex "\\([a-z0-9]+\\) +\\([a-zA-Z0-9_]+\\)(\\([a-zA-Z0-9_ ,]+\\)")
  (setq line "int add_two(int a, int b)")

  (string-match regex line)
  (setq retval (match-string 1 line))
  (setq func-name (match-string 2 line))
  (setq params (match-string 3 line))

string-match returns 0 since the match starts at the first character.

We then use the match-string function to extract each of the parenthesized groups.

We also have to be careful with the match-string function. It's a bit fragile. The documentation says that you should call it "close" to the call to string-match since the match data might be mutated. That's illustrated in the video.

Finally, we cover the format function which is like C's printf. It accepts a format string with placeholders and the additional parameters to fill those placeholders.

For example:

  (setq word1 "hello")
  (setq word2 "world")

  (format "Replace1: %s Replace2: %s" word1 word2)

The format returns "Replace1: hello Replace2: world" having replaced the placeholders with parameters. There are also other placeholders for different data types.

The video covers all of this in detail.

Next time, we'll put it all together into a working elisp function that we can bind to a key


The code for the series is still up here:

but this episode doesn't have any specific code.

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