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Hunter College CS Teacher Certification - Final Project Fun Time

Well, we just delivered the last formal piece of instruction for the summer intensive. Writing this post between visits to breakout rooms as the cohort works on their final projects.

Tomorrow and Thursday will be presentation time. Each group will give spend thirty minutes teaching us all about some topic in CS along with the plan for how we could teach the topic to our kids. We've got a few more things to talk about as a group but it's mostly time to sit back and enjoy the show.

It's been a long hard month for JonAlf Topher and me. A lot of work goes in to a first time program and when you're meeting every day all day with off hours student support there's not a lot of time for the inevitable steering that comes with something new.

Now though we can sit back and enjoy some presentations by some great teachers and provide some meaningful feedback. We've got a nice list of topics.

  • Blockchain
  • Genetic Algorithms
  • Data Mining
  • Machine Learning
  • Natural Language Processing
  • Public Key Encryption
  • Data Visualization
  • Classic AI - Decision Trees
  • Classic AI - search
  • Databases / SQL

Obviously we're not going to learn everything about topics like NLP or ML but rather a single unit that can be done in a lass.

In the end, the idea is that every cohort member will have a nice set of topics and support materials from which to choose for their classes.

Should be a lot of fun.

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