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C'est la Z

def hack(2015)


This past Saturday, 50 high school students, 10 high school mentors, and 10 more post high school mentors headed down to SumAll to participate in def hacks(2015): CSTUY's first hackathon.

The fifty participants, came from all over the city, Long Island, and New Jersey. They ranged from having never programmed to three or four years experience.

Projects ranged from web sites to full stack applications.

After workshops run by CSTUY teachers and mentors and also by the hackers spread out all over SumAll's offices, working in small groups with the support of our amazing mentors.

Four nourishment, we had sandwiches from Amish Market, pizza from Wanted Pizza, snacks and those amazing doughnuts from Dough Flatiron.

At the end of the day, the hackers demoed and the judges judged

In the end everyone made something terrific and walked away having built new skills, met new people, and gotten a little swag.


The judges singled out two groups for special recognition. One was a team of four experienced programmers who put together a full stack app to help schedule parent/teacher meetings.


The other was a solo project from a young man who had never programmed prior to the event.


That one really blew me away. We were able to give these groups Raspberry Pis thanks to a last minute donation from Fullstack Academy.

None of this would have been possible without the help of:

Our organizers - Caitlin and Lise

Our Mentors - both the Stuy students and the older mentors

Our judges:

  • Ben Fried (Google)
  • Noah Weiss (Foursqurae)
  • Benny Wong (TimeHop)
  • Gerry Seidman (Too many to list)
  • Davin Chew (SumAll)

and our Sponsors:

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