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Tag: StuyCS

Learning About Startups at StuyCS

Most students who study CS in college plan to go into industry in one manner or another. Unfortunately most college CS programs are still designed with the assumption that all undergraduate CS majors want to pursue a PhD. I've addressed this periodically here and that's not the focus for today. Of those who want to enter industry, it seems a fair number are interested in the startup ecosystem - they want to either be part of a startup - a small agile effort that they hope can change the world or even start their own company.

Reunion Season

Thanksgiving is reunion season. Stuyvesant and I'm guessing other high schools traditionally hold their reunions, at least the five and ten year ones over the holiday weekend. It makes sense since grads who've moved away might still be coming to town for family celebrations. This year, I was invited to the Stuy07 ten year reunion. I considered crashing the Stuy97 20 year but it was at the same time and too far away.