Tag: tools
Last year I put together a post and video on some basics of Emacs for C++ development. In the video I didn't quite get completions fully working. I also used ggtags in that video but find myself using dumb-jump more frequently.
Here's a quick video showing how to set up irony-mode which uses libclang for completions. It's pretty slick. Now the only thing I think I'm missing is header file completions.
# COMMENTSAs you know I use Emacs for all sorts of things. In addition to coding, I use it for email, my schedule, note taking, and much much more. As part of my job at Hunter, I read and evaluate some of the Macaulay Honors College applications. I also have to evaluate all the applicants to my CS honors program. I described how I use Org-mode and Emacs to help with that here.
# COMMENTSI use both org-mode and Google Calendar for scheduling. I like Google Calendar because:
It's pretty universal so I can issue and accept calendar invites. It works well with my phone and other mobile devices. The rest of my family doesn't live in Emacs :-(. I prefer using org-mode beacuse:
Emacs I prefer, for the most part, to control my data. I partially sync the two platforms. I've already talked about syncing Google Calendar and org-mode.
# COMMENTSI was originally going to do a video on how I set things up so that I get an email every morning with my org-mode agenda but that's going to be something of an ordeal. I have to create a droploet on Digital Ocean, set up SyncThing and a mail server and lots of other things.
I'll get to that video at some point but in the meantime I saw this thread on the Emacs subreddit.
# COMMENTSI can't believe that I haven't made a video since the beginning of summer!!!
Part of the reason is that I haven't had any video ideas that have motivated me and the other reason is that the Fall is my busiest season.
In any event, here's the latest installment.
Take a look at how I use Emacs and more specifically org-mode for my day to day work. Sometimes I use the fancy power tools but to be honest, most of the time, I stick to the basics.
# COMMENTSElisp Videos Link to source code: https://gitlab.com/zamansky/learning-elisp-code Intro Variables Functions Rot13 part 1 Rot13 parts 2 and 3 Rot13 Conclusion Regular Expressions part 2 Regular Expressions part 2 Regex conclusion Elisp Data Structures Emoji Replace part 1 Emoji Replace part 2 - hooks Emoji Replace part 3 - text properties Emoji Replace part 4 - defining a minor mode Emoji Replace part 5 - defcustom and cleaning up our mode Emacs Videos Link to current configuration: https://github.
# COMMENTSNext weekend I'll be attending the Computer Science Teachers Association's annual conference. It's probably the biggest conference focussed on K12 Computer Science education. This year, in addition to attending, I'll be giving a talk on preservice and inservice CS teacher preparation programs. I'll be talking about the new New York State certification requirements along with what we're rolling out at Hunter College.
This means putting together a slide deck for the session.
# COMMENTSI've been using Emacs for email for a couple of years now. Not for everything, for now my personal email is still Gmail but work is sent and read through Emacs. I'm currently using mu4e and while it has a few quirks and limitations, I like it very much. You can take a look on how I configure and use it here.
The other day I saw this thread on Emacs about a new package - mu4e-conversation.
# COMMENTSA couple of days ago I wrote about on my lab grading workflow. In the post I mentioned that I used Emacs to easily navigate between student folders and files so I can actually look at their work in addition to their programs output and test results.
The key is a combination of dired and ag, Emacs's interface to the Silver Searcher which is something like a recursive code grep on steroids.
# COMMENTSI've been holding off on doing a Magit video for a while. Mostly because I wasn't using it exclusively and also because there are already a number of good Magit videos and resources out there.
What changed? Along with the new version of Magin, Jonas Bernoulli wrote up a walkthrough of the Magit interface. For whatever reason, it all finally clicked.
In spite of what the documentation says, Magit is not an interface for git.